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Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with all the details below at the point of sign-up.




Army lists of up to 1995 may be taken and must comply with the Kings of War Version 3 Rulebook and Uncharted Empires armies of Pannithor.

Adjustments and clarifications can be found in the latest official FAQ and Errata document (linked above).

You can use EasyArmy to build and PDF your list (Note: Battlescribe has some errors in the abilities text and so shouldn’t be used).

Your Force List must be chosen from one of the official army lists from Kings of War Version 3 Rulebook or Uncharted Empires armies of Pannithor, noting the following:

  • Unique individuals, or “Living Legends” / “Legendary Units" (i.e. those marked with a [1] after their name in the list) can be included in tournament armies

  • You are allowed a maximum of 1 of each type of artefact

  • The Maximum Duplicates rule applies, each player may take a maximum of 2 of each Hero, War Engine, Monster or Titan


We would prefer pure blood races, but if you feel your army is inadequate and is in need of support from another race, then allies can be taken but the following restrictions apply:

  • Theme factions cannot be taken as allies

  • Theme factions cannot take their Master faction as allies

  • Allies cannot take Artefacts

  • Allies cannot take irregular units

  • Allies cannot take the same unit entry of each of the following types more than once: Hero, War Engine, Monster or Titan


You are required to submit a copy of your Force List to the organisers before the start of the tournament, by 23:59 on Thursday 9th July 2020 at the latest.

Lists to be submitted as PDFs using the following Google Form:

Your army list must include:

  • Your name at the top of the PDF document

  • All of the models/units in your army

  • The equipment and the points value of everything in your army

Please do not use acronyms on any copy of your Force List. If any mistakes are found during the tournament that were not picked up on, the results of all the games in which the player has used the illegal list will immediately be changed to max Tournament Points (TP), in favour of their opponents. This will apply even if the mistake was a totally honest one, so please do double check your Force List before the tournament. All the above should be mitigated if you submit your list using EasyArmy.

If you are unsure of your army list, please feel free to submit it to the tournament organisers prior to the above deadline for checking.


To do well in this event, under the Kings of Herts Scoring System:

  1. First, try to win.

  2. Winning or losing, go for as many victory points as possible, it will effect your placement at the end.

  3. When victory points are no longer up for contesting, kill your opponent’s units, even if you lose yours. It will stand you in better stead as kills are far, far more likely to impact your rank than losses.

  4. Finally, obviously, don’t throw away a unit for absolutely no gain. It probably won’t affect the final results, but it just might.


It is our assertion that no draw, no matter how ‘good’ should never rank above a win, no matter how ‘bad’.

We felt it important in our events that we (try to) make everything relaxed. In that vein, we were conscious that even a tired out brain should be able to quickly judge where it thinks it is in the day's rankings at any point.

Games need to be enjoyable to the end for both players, even when scenario victory becomes impossible (or improbable). To this end we knew that capturing some VPs and maintaining good kills had to be important, so you always had something to play for.

(For the further details, please refer to


You are awarded 5 points for a win, 3 for a draw and 1 for a loss.

These were chosen so that two draws is equivalent to a win and a loss.


In the situation when players are positioned equally in the tournament rankings, the following will be applied in the order given to break the tie:​

  1. Scenario points (in game Victory Points)

  2. Units you have killed

  3. Your attrition score (difference between your kills and your own dead).

  4. (Specific to this tournament) The number of times your Tournament King Character survived (see below)

  5. (Specific to this tournament) The number of Tournament King Characters you killed (see below)

  6. Strength of Schedule (i.e. the tournament ranking of each position of the players you played), with the lowest aggregate total being the better result.

Finally, if there is still a draw, the TOs will toss a coin.

For full details of the above scoring system, please refer to


We choose and adapt scenarios to limit the available Victory Points (VP) to be equivalent amounts for each mission, in general 7 or 8 VP total available, with the highest losing VP of 3.  If you see a mission where we have modified VPs, this is why.


Each Round everyone will be using the same Map. The name of the map to search for in Universal Battle (UB) will be shared before each round starts.


By the end deadline of each round, as detailed on the Round Pairings page, every player is to submit the results of their game to the TOs, using the form on the Results Submission page of this site.

Having both players results from a game enables the TOs to verify the information provide and raise any queries before the next round pairings are determined.


Playing the same opponent a second time:

We will actively avoid a repeat player matching on all but the last game; this will always be based on player rankings at the end of round 3, using the above system (i.e. Swiss matching for round 2 and 3, Danish system for round 4).

First round avoidances:

We recognise that many players will play some opponents regularly, as they are friends or play at the same club. If you would like to avoid a first round draw against someone, please do so during list submission, giving the names of the opponents and the reason for the avoidance. Note, simply not wanting to as you think you will lose is not an acceptable reason.


For each round a 'King' character will be selected by the TOs and will be used by every player for that round: 4 rounds so 4 Kings. The TOs will provide full stats and details of the Kings after the list submission deadline (see above) and will again provide this information in full at the start of each round.

Read more about the Four Kings in the narrative below, care of TO Mat. If you click on the image it will expand.

TO Mark has created some units in UB2 that everyone can use, which can be found in the army named 'Card Kings', although you may wish to create your own.

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